GS Mobile
Inventory Control

What is GS Mobile and why do you need it?
Got inventory issues? Inventory plays a critical role on the shop floor. It's hard to manufacture a product if you don't have the materials needed. That leads to unmet customer expectations and lost revenue. Inventory inaccuracy costs companies more than ever, with extended material lead times and higher customer expectations.
There is a financial cost as well; inventory write-offs for missing inventory & over-purchased inventory that is considered "dead inventory" directly affect cash flow and show up on financial statements.
If you are managing inventory by hand with paper or excel, it's time to move away from this labor-intensive, error-prone inventory management approach. GS Mobile is the Global Shop ERP Software module that allows you to manage your inventory. GS Mobile creates the most efficient & most straightforward way to manage inventory, eliminating double entry and errors from reading handwritten notes.
Customers that have Implemented GS Mobile report an ROI in 120-180 days, with their first physical inventory count being the break-even point because the speed & accuracy of scanning a barcode to record the inventory was counted all in real-time. This ROI is most common when a company does physical inventory by shutting down the operation, printing their inventory out on paper, having employees walk around with a clipboard marking off inventory they find, and entering the findings into a computer.
You can see the standard transactions for GS Mobile below. There are many more transactions that have been created that your consultant can make available. GS Mobile transactions can be modified or new transactions can be created to fit your business needs.

GS Mobile: Lose the Tether, Increase Productivity
EMS Barcode provides the mobile computers so GS Mobile transactions can be done in real-time. The barcode scanner in the mobile computer allows the user to scan barcodes for speed & accuracy, making inventory management "the" process, removing the extra step of going back to a computer to record a transaction.
Every solution that EMS Barcode offers is built as an investment companies want to make to improve their business—looking at our hardware solutions as investments change the approach & goals. We think about protecting the investment, knowing that GS Mobile can provide hundreds of thousands of dollars in savings per year.
Read here about how Industrial Filter Manufacturing (IFM) benefited from implementing GS Mobile with certified hardware from EMS Barcode.
Successful implementations have a plan!
Global Shop and EMS Barcode have a plan to follow to ensure a successful go-live for GS Mobile so your company can start recognizing the benefits of having accurate inventory.
Below are the milestones used for a successful implementation.

Overview of the onsite visit from a GS Mobile Consultant

The GS Mobile consultant will come onsite to observe your operation and evaluate current processes

Barcode labels will be created & the GS Mobile transactions will be modified to fit your business

Training will be provided, making the switch to the live environment the next step

When the consultant leaves, you will be able to do transactions on your mobile computers and print barcode labels!
The EMS difference. Customers who buy Global Shop Solutions (GSS) certified hardware solutions from EMS gain the following benefits:
Each device has been tested, certified, and configured (50+ changes) to work optimally with GS Mobile and has been successfully deployed by hundreds of other GS Mobile customers
EMS will create a profile that will lock down the device, only allowing GS Mobile or other approved apps to run, increasing device security and the user experience
Each device is sold as a kit, which includes all the essential components users need to do their jobs. Note: buying these accessories as a bundle/kit saves users $900 on average per device compared with buying non-certified hardware from EMS Barcode
All GSS-certified hardware is backed by the EMS 3-Year TCO (total cost of ownership) guarantee
After the 3-year TCO period expires, EMS will continue providing product support
Each printer has a specific job it should be used for.